
Trath Goal

Iqbal Bhatt submitted this entry 6 years ago


Today three persons were apprehended for selling this so called TRATH GOLA to GANDERBAL man for ₹ 4 lac, so can it still be considered just a myth!!!!!
Aadii wrote this 4 years ago
Trathgola consists of two kashmiri words, 'trath' means "cloudburst" and 'gola' means "any expensive metal ", it means when there is a cloudburst at any place there appears this "Trathgola " which costs millions, actually it is a myth
Rayees Wani wrote this 4 years ago
this phenomenon is quiet prevalent in kashmir, lot many storied popped up about the mystical powers of this trath goal. Legends goes that when lightning strucks any solid object in wild it turns it into some para normal object with mystical powers. One of my accomplice, a highly educated person was into this craziness and he invested heavily into one of such thing with this intention that it will fetch him good returns, he would claim that it has the requisite rice pulling power but sadly it didn't sell and he went into a big loss. Many such incidents I came across in last one decade but never it could be proved that any such thing really exists. I even talked to a scientist of BARC who had done study on this acclamation and found it to be just a myth, 'nothing sort of this exists as per our scientific records' he would say. Still people are into this mystic buisness altough no one has yet come up with any concrete thing to prove it as such.
Balbir Singh wrote this 4 years ago
I have heard this is a kind of diamond which forms when lightening strucka the earth,last time a businessman approached my father and told him that I have trath goal of which he tagged ₹ 2.5 crore he was a bakerwal (nomad), my father was ready for the deal but I somehow told him that diamonds are not formed in this way neither are they found so easily. I want to know from you people what actually is a trath goal.
Iqbal Bhatt wrote this 6 years ago
trath goal
Iqbal Bhatt wrote this 6 years ago
I have heard this is a kind of diamond which forms when lightening strucka the earth,last time a businessman approached my father and told him that I have trath goal of which he tagged ₹ 2.5 crore he was a bakerwal (nomad), my father was ready for the deal but I somehow told him that diamonds are not formed in this way neither are they found so easily. I want to know from you people what actually is a trath goal.
Iqbal Bhatt wrote this 6 years ago

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